The Friends Of Myrtle Creek Library (FOMCL) meets regularly to discuss plans, programs, grants, events, fundraising, issues and much more. Great things are happening!
We encourage you to get involved!
Currently, the FOMCL meets 1st & 3rd Mondays, 5:30 pm @ the library. All welcome. (Yes, we can do "ZOOM" video meetings if people would like to attend us for more info).
Here is a list of planned meetings:
JAN 15
FEB 5, 19
MAR 5, 19
APR 2, 16
MAY 7, 21
JUN 4, 18
JUL 2, 16
AUG 6, 20
SEP 17
OCT 1, 15
NOV 5, 19
DEC 3, 17