Libby eBooks Now Available

Friends of Myrtle Creek Library is pleased to offer free online ebooks via Libby!

With Libby, you can enjoy free ebooks, digital audiobooks, and magazines from your library. All you need is a library card and a compatible device.

You can use Libby on iOS devices, Android devices, Amazon Fire tablets and Kindles, and on Windows, Mac and Chromebook computers.

You can check out up to 6 ebooks at a time, and reserve up to 6 more at a time. Libby treats ebooks like physical copies, so some have only one copy available for circulation, while others have multiple copies ready for checkout or reserve.

To get started, see the Libby online Help page at Getting Started With Libby .

We hope you enjoy this service! Please let us know what you think.

As an example, here is a short procedure for getting started with the Libby library app on an iPhone:

  1. Get and install Libby, the Library App.

  2. Open the app and select Yes, I Have A Library Card.

  3. Select Search For A Library.

  4. Type our zip code into the Search field and then tap on Oregon Digital Library Consortium.

  5. Enter your library card number and password. The number is under the barcode on your card, and your password is the last 4 digits of your cell phone number, by default. Call us if this doesn’t work for you!

  6. You are now signed in. Tap Next.

  7. On the Welcome screen, optionally tap Yes, I Read With Kindle to have your ebooks sent to your Kindle.

  8. You are now ready to select ebooks to check out or reserve. Enjoy!